Online sample of a CharSet property for conversion texts and files.

      This online sample demonstrates functionality of ByteArray class for conversion between severalCodepages/CharSets. You can convert text or multibyte in any available code page to another code page or Unicode with this script. 
      The Form.SizeLimit is 1000000bytes. Please, do not post more source data. 

      Type some text to a textbox bellowCharset of this document and textbox is 

      or select a file and its charset as a source data:
Select character set of the source file: 
 or custom charset 

Select destination character set:  

  Output data: 
output to a textbox (as a string) 
export to a file, filename: 

     Note: The source file is handled as a text data with specified character set. The textbox is handled as a string data, default character set for the textbox is the same as a charset of this document.

     Change html charset (default character set for this document)

Another character set:  

or try other custom charset (see ConvertCodePages): 
  This charset is sent to a browser as a meta charset element of this HTML document and Content-Type: http header. Client browser handles the data from the source form as a string data encoded by document charset (utf-8 in the case of this document) and sends the data as a binary http stream to a web server. You can choose another character set for the conversion of the source text data (the textarea).
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