'froyo'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2010.04.22 Google Begins Testing Android OS 2.2(Froyo) 1
흥미있는 뉴스2010. 4. 22. 11:46

Google Begins Testing Android OS 2.2

by Billy on April 21st, 2010

Google has been spotted actively testing the next version of the Android OS, version 2.2. The upcoming OS, codenamed Froyo (frozen yogurt), has been showing up in web logs on various sites.

Google has not yet publicly announced a 2.2 release, nor has it detailed the future enhancements the update will deliver, however the release is anticipated to deliver major performance enhancements and at least some of the following:

  • JIT compiler
  • Free additional RAM
  • OpenGL ES 2.0 enhancements
  • Flash 10.1 support
  • Activation of Color Trackball
  • Enable FM radio

The Android OS 2.2 update is also expected to provide some of the support required for Flash 10.1. However, the full release of 10.1 on the 2.2 OS could also be a possibility.

Since Google has not supplied any information regarding the 2.2 update, rumors have pegged a tentative release date for May 19, 2010. That day is when Google begins its I/O conference, which in the past has announced major Android news.

소문만 무성하던 프로요가 테스트에 들어갔군요. 대채 언제 나올지는 모르지만 5월 19일에 있은 IO conference때 어떤식으로든 언급이 있지 않을까 싶습니다. FM radio가 프레임웤단에서 지원이 되고 Flash 10.1이 지원되는것이 인상적이네요. 성능이 최대 30퍼센트정도 개선되었다고 하더니 JIT compiler가 들어갔네요.

Posted by 삼스